Summer tan
Here is the Ladotan!
Made with pure Ladon water it protects you from the
sun, giving you a real bronze colour!
Have a nice summer!
The Minister of the River Ladon in Arcadia
Sir Vassilios Roumeliotis
Knight of Arcadia
For an average woman’s body an 8oz. bottle of Auto-Bronzant will last approximately 2 months. Different body sizes require more or less Auto-Bronzant. It does not stop the sun’s rays!
That is why I prefer a natural river tan with sun protection for my girls. Yes, I use only the best.
What is it?
A formula by Sir Vassilios Roumeliotis!
RIVER TAN for that real Ladotan with pure Ladon water that protects you from the sun, giving you a safe, real bronze color that lasts a very long time!
So the next time you need to turn Bronze turn to Rivertan!!!