Ladonian Magnitudes
Bryan Sentes, a Canadian poet has published a book of poems inspired by Ladonia, Ladonian Magnitudes. Inspired by the same ‘anarchaesthetic’ spirit that spurred the creation of Ladonia, Ladonian Magnitudes morphs the topography where poetic imagination meets realpolitik to inaugurate “a change of dimension / not just locale.”

This is an experimentalist, gourmet poetic ‘cookbook,’ full of bratwurst, currywurst, “perfect ripe tomatoes, soft white mozzarella in tiny bags like water balloons… lightly-frosted beer”– a mind feast, an epicurean smorgasbord, where, as Peter Dale Scott puts it, “vignettes of a drunken world from Europe to Saskatoon vie with a fine rendition from the Lyra Graeca.”
To read more about the book, the author, or to purchase a copy, see the publisher’s website: here or look for it on Amazon.