
The Hedgehogger no 11

This issue of the Hedgehogger presents statistical data of 25 major art biennales that took place between 15th Oct 2005 and 15th Oct 2006 with more than 1800 participating artists. The result has been published in various articles in previous issues of The Hedgehogger. The material was also shown in the artproject The Hedgehog, Momentum 2006. The statistics are about where biennale artists are born, where they live and which art school they have intended.

The conclusion to be made is that the concentration in the artworld is still very profound. It does matter there the artists are born and went to school. The artists in the artworld must work after a western concept of art. There is simply no facts supporting the rhetoric of the artworld as a generous and open arena, on the contrary, it is in many ways still conservative, i.e. up to this date, still over 70 % of the participating artists are men at the biennales.

The statistical research was conducted summer 2006 by Martin Schibli.
Included in the statistical material: ARS 06 in Helsingfors, Berlin biennale, Bukarest, Dakar, Gungzhou Triennale, Gwangju, 9 Biennale Habana, Liverpool, Momentum 2006, Busan Biennale, Sao Paulo 2006, Singapore, SITE Sante Fe, Sydney, Whitney, Istanbul, Tirana, Göteborgs biennalen, Lyon, Yokohama, 9 Baltic Triennale, Tate Triennale, 51 Biennale Venice, 3:rd Biennale Valencia and Turino.


1 USA 181 9,9%
2 CHINA 89 4,9%
3 GERMANY 88 4,8%
4 UK 87 4,7%
5 JAPAN 82 4,5%
6 FRANCE 66 3,6%
7 ITALY 58 3,2%
8 SOUTH KOREA 57 3,2%
9 BRAZIL 56 3,1%
10 SPAIN 40 2,2%
11 DENMARK 36 2,0%
12 SWEDEN 33 1,8%

26 NORWAY 17 0,9%
30 FINLAND 15 0,8%
78 ICELAND 3 0,1%

Ranking based on place of birth. 17 Artists was not included due to uncertainty regarding place of birth



1: USA 274,0 p 15,9 %
2: GERMANY 171,5 p 10,0 %
3: UK 114,0 p 6,6 %
4: FRANCE 95,3 p 5,5 %
5: CHINA 73,5 p 4,3 %
6: NETHERLANDS 54,0 p 3,1 %
7: JAPAN 52,5 p 3,1 %
8: BRAZIL 48,0 p 2,8 %
9: ITALY 42,4 p 2,5 %
10: SOUTH KOREA 36,5 p 2,1 %

11: SWEDEN 32,0 p 1,9 %
16: DENMARK 23,5 p 1,4 %
21: FINLAND 19,5 p 1,1 %
ICELAND 2,5 p 0,1 %

Ranking based on information ”lives and works in…” In cases the artists is sharing time between two countries, the countries is given 0,5 p each. Information on 72 artists (app. 4%) was not found.

The Hedgehogger is an art magazine regularly published in Ladonia. Editorial Board: Martin Schibli and Lars Vilks.

Nauman bruce.jpg
This is the dominating artist in biennales, male American, like
Bruce Nauman, contemporary artist no. 1 in the world

Lars Vilks

Lars Vilks was the artist behind Nimis and Arx, and the Founder and State Secretary of Ladonia. He also served as Editor Emeritus the Ladonia Herald.

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