
The Ladonia Fleet

I want to inform the cabinet of the following.

The Fleet has been performing maneuvers and military exercises during the
weekend (Operation Mad Chipmunk).

We have deployed all the equipment available in the Amaconda’s aircraft
carrier, in way to be ready to any potential thread to our nation.

The objective of the Operation was to repel a combined attack from a pack of
mad chipmunks and a mislead cat.

The full operation has been a complete success, we have prevent the
penetration of the cat and the insane chipmunks had to retreat to their
ground holes.

Admiral Pedro

A part of the Ladonia Fleet (Photo: Admiral Pedro)

Ladonia Fleet (Photo: Admiral Pedro)

Lars Vilks

Lars Vilks was the artist behind Nimis and Arx, and the Founder and State Secretary of Ladonia. He also served as Editor Emeritus the Ladonia Herald.

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