
Cabinet decision: Can be changed

The Cabinet has made the following decision:

Changes can be made in Ladonia archived texts; for example in Ladonia Herald. Ministers and persons who have been mentioned and quoted can be hidden from the threat of googling – as they may be ashamed of what they have uttered.

The change will only concern the name which will be changed according to the following formula:

A will be Y
E will be U
I will be O

For example: Condoleezza Rice will be Cindiluuzzy Rocu

Could be changed to Cindiluuzzy Rocu

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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  1. Dear Minister of Art, I am from the south, where men are men and women are women. Women in the south, Louisiana, do not sweat, they dew. Also we do not go outside without our makeup and hair done. The land in which every man puts his woman on a pedistal. Not saying TLC isn’t bad. My lover on the other hand, is not from the south and does not know the rules to southern treatment.
    Baroness Laurie

  2. You almost took the words right out of my mouth, Dear Baroness. It seems you also wonder if the artists intentions on this matter. Is he harboring deep feelings for Condoleezza? Or any afro-american woman? And is he honest in his feelings toward women? Or, is he exposing male chauvinistic tendensies while keep talking about Condoleezza in this matter? This is the second time he is talking about her. Is he having secret fantasies and dreams that we need to explore – or do you think he is merely mentioning Condoleezza as part of a conceptual art-project?

    BTW I don’t think all women are heartless, nor men.

    And perhaps the Baroness shouldn’t strive for any pedistal, since you might objectify yourself and other women? A real flesh and blood woman shouldn’t be placed on pedistal, or what do you think? TLC has nothing to do with pedistals, in my humble male opinion. (TLC = Tender Love and Caring)

  3. Dear Minister of Art, It has been my experence, that all men are heartless. Making statements such as, { You are only abstract to me.} All women, no matter the color need to be respected, loved, and I personally , want to be on the highest pedistal.
    My lover needs to remember that I am a real flesh and blood women.
    Baroness Laurie

  4. I think the picture is way too small. It’s not for certain that it really is Condi (Condo) in the picture. This afroamerican woman seem to appear every now and then… I think I’ve said this before: Is this to be considered “art” or is it only a kinky fantasy of the artist? A wishful thinking of meeting african women perhaps. I’d like an self-analyse on this. I wonder if this has something to do with the typical malechauvinistic view of women, as an object, and is it perhaps a bit of the old colonizing. The white man from the west dreaming of conquering the black lady as if it was west trying to colonizing the african continent. I’d like this investigated!

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