Politics & Government

Election, the last week

In these days, the last of our president election period two of our candidates, Sir Phil and Norbert Jonson, are speaking:

“Let us hope that those who are engaged in conflict, violence and war
that has hurt people and the planet, will calm down and learn to
talk, share and get along. We can hope. And we can do.

As Ladonians we demonstrate that the State can involve, evolve, and
resolve through citizen paticipation. And, having done so, and doing
so, we must pause and consider….

Shall we expand and further enhance our dreams and visions throughout
the world? I say “yes.”

When you vote, if you haven’t yet, consider where you would like us
all to go, consider how you would like to change the world.



Sir Phil”

“I would like to set up a colony on Mars since they found that water does flow freely in some craters. With our focus on Mars, we may be able to distract others from the desire to war and instead desire to find new resources to exploit without having to displace humans.

Norbert MPUTS

A vote for Norbert is a Vote for Norbert so Vote for Norbert… or even Phil just for the thrill…of it!”

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Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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