Citizens and Guests
From Australia with love
Ladonia has 80 citizens living in Australia. One of them is our Minister of Procrastination Chris Mansell, also a writer.
Many Australians are visiting Ladonia. Yesterday the State Secretary spoke to a man from Australia, telling him that we often have visitors from this remote place of the world. As we spoke another man appeared. He was also from Australia.
I promised them I would give a link to a small film about Nimis and Ladonia. A film that is made by an Australian.
Filmlink (It will take some time to download it)
Dear, dear Minister,
I will try to find out why you could not post. You are certainly not exiled.
Greetings Lars! Greetings to the Cabinet! Last time I tried to post to Ladonia my post bounced and so I thought that I had been exiled. Is this true? It is a very nice picture of Australia. I continue to work with my fellow citizen here in Berry.