
General Strike in Ladonia

On Wednesday there was a general strike in Ladonia. Everything was closed and no work was done. The strike hit so badly that everyone left the country. It is a protest against the weather which now is very rough and has brought unwanted snow to the country. The strike will go on also on Thursday. Ladonians living outside Ladonia has no reason to strike and are not striking. They are working hard, for instance Minister Norbert, living in the USA, has sent this report from his work in the Ladonia Cabinet:

“DUDE! (and Dudettes…and Dolittles who do alot of something I am not sure of…but at least they DO do it to the best of their abilities…[I am in a fight with a Heineken that says it’s light but it is actually heavy and I thought it was a twist off…but its not..and I cant find the opener… and I got upset and shook it up… and I am afraid to open it… and it is the last bottle!@!@@@#@!!] THEREFORE.. I cannot think straight because this GREEN BOTTLE refuses to admit me to its flow of WISDOM producing NECTURE!


SHe has my vote…


I reserve the right to ask her the question: WHY? I haven’t got an answer yet from anyone!!! NOT EVEN MY MOTHER…who told me not to drink beer from a bottle..but a [can] because you don’t need an opener… and I asked her the question WHY! All she did is GIGGLE!

Will someone fill me in!


“MPUTS” is short for Eternal Minister of Parallel Universe Tribal Service

Ladonia in General Strike against the weather

Lars Vilks

Lars Vilks was the artist behind Nimis and Arx, and the Founder and State Secretary of Ladonia. He also served as Editor Emeritus the Ladonia Herald.

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