Citizens and Guests
Ladonia citizens
The population of Ladonia is growing every day. Here is the list of Ladonia citizens and the country where they live – top 32. A complete list would show around 120 countries. Sweden is not included but they are number one, around 5 000 of our citizens are living there.
1. USA 995
2. Hungary 754
3. England 525
4. Spain 420
5. Denmark 366
6. Mexico 364
7. Brazil 354
8. Portugal 335
9. Norway 296
10. Germany 282
11. Russia 277
12. Pakistan 276
13. France 235
14. Canada 217
15. India 173
16. Italy 168
17. Belgium 164
18. S Korea 154
19. Turkey 151
20. Poland 148
21. Holland 128
22. Argentina 124
23. Bulgaria 95
24. Rumania 95
25. Israel 89
26. Nigeria 84
27. Australia 80
28 China 79
29. Peru 78
30. Finland 74
31. Colombia 73
32. Greece 71