Citizens and Guests

Michael Moore Honorary Citizen of Ladonia

The Cabinet’s majority has voted for the conference of Honorary Citizenship and Honorary Knighthood upon American film maker Michael Moore for his humanitarian work through the production of the film “Sicko.”

Sir Michael Moore is bringing about long awaited change on the healthcare issue in the United States. And perhaps, due to his efforts, the USA may some day soon join the other 24 western industrialized nations that offer healthcare to their citizens as a human right. This also would protect Ladonian nationals who reside in the USA.

Sir Phil Halfhill, vice president

Sir Michael Moore, Honorary Citizen of Ladonia

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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  1. Thank you Lars!
    For your dreams, your creative works, and support. You make the world better and nicer for us all.

  2. Anyone who has experienced the poor state of health care or political culture in the USA will very approve MM’s appointment. Bravo Ladonia.

  3. Ladonia is not big enough for both sicko MM and me. I will therefore abstain from seeking citizenship. Can´t You deport him to Cuba?

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