Society & Culture

President outburst in the cabinet

The president of Ladonia Daniel Jiménez expressed his feelings about Swedes in last night cabinet meeting:

“I am not going to answer to an schizo. Sweden is the country of the EU with more schizo. If there is a lot of people like you…. it can be easy to understand. I don´t know if you are stupid or not, but you looks like one. Go to a psicologue or better: ask for a work, buy a dog, play with a chair or do something instead o that, please.

Daniel Jiménez

The immediate target for this proposition was the Minister of Art & Jump who has a double citizenship, Ladonia and Sweden. In a way it is acceptable that the president insult the Swedes. Ladonia is still at war with them. On the other hand, for a long time there has not been any confrontation between the nations and peace seems to be within reach.

Such a forceful speech must be remembered as “famous words”.

Minister Daniel Kong has turned the outburst into a nice t-shirt.

Update: President denies insulting Swedes:

“I have never insulted Sweden, I love Sweden. And no more will be said about this (by me).

Daniel Jiménez

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One Comment

  1. Another example of cyberbullying. Making the President look like a deranged maniac. It is absolutely sick that such demeaning and belittling stuff is even published in the Herald. I can remember when Ladonia was a positive place to be. But when it deteriorated from beyond satire to insults, I emigrated. Shamefull, this stuff.

    Phil Halfhill
    (no longer a citizen here, and can you see why? Hello?)

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