Rewriting history of art
It seems that it is very easy to see what you believe you can see. And thus so important, especially in the field of visual arts “to take a closer look”. Something like “close reading” in studies of literature. For more than 100 years the artworld has been looking at one of the most famous paintings in the world, Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night, painted in 1889. It is permanently exhibited in MOMA in New York.
What is to be seen in this painting? Stars painted into curves of paint, a town and then, yes, the object in the foreground has always been identified as a cypress. It might be necessary to take a photo and study the photo carefully. This is what our minister of future science, James Hartman did. And the result is stunning. There is no cypress. Instead you will find the shape of Wotan’s tower which means that either van Gogh made a journey to Ladonia around 1889, or he was using a picture of some sort. As no pictures of Wotan’s Tower from this time is known it seems most probable that van Gogh actually did a journey, something that until this day has been unknown. The evidence seems very clear. Look and judge yourself:
Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night (with Wotan’s Tower) 1889