Politics & Government

Sir Phil for Vice President

The declaration made by Sir Phil, minister and member of Ladonia Cabinet:

I, Sir Phil Halfhill, having given in-depth thought to the future of Ladonia and desiring the most positive eventual changes for us all have decided to no longer run for President and to unite myself with Vice President Jimenez’ campaign as his running mate. I hereby suspend the Party Party and encourage all members of said former Party to join in promoting this new Ticket: Jimenez for President and Sir Phil for Vice President.

Mr. Jiminez has the best interests of Ladonia at heart. He desires that we become influential on the Global scene not only for our betterment but for the betterment of the International Community. His vision is so very much the same as mine that we have decided to put together one ticket for the future.

Jimenez has worked tirelessly to keep us safe from attacks through his work with the CIL. He has also worked for Ladonian influence to improve social conditions worldwide through diplomacy.

I am honored to be his running mate.

Please vote for Jimenez for President and Sir Phil for VP. The future is ours.

Sir Phil

Sir Phil

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