
Latest Nobility updates

Recent nobilities in Ladonia

von Ahonen, Friherre Mikko (08-13586)
Akin, Paul Vernon, Count of Ladonia (07-12770)
Alit, Hertiginna Sávoi (07-13318)
Andersson, Trine, Grevinde af Ladonia (09-14515)
Ardleigh, Baroness Erin (07-13032)
van Becelaere, Baron Charles Joseph (07-12401)
van Beelen, Michael, Graf von Breidagang zu Nimis (99-4324)
v Beelen-Baas, Astrid, Gräferin von Breidagang zu Nimis (99-4344)
Bengtsson, Baronessa Anette (09-14103)
Bygebjerg Grevil, Friherre Jørgen (09-14538)
Count John Van Becelaere(08-13624)
Bonavent, Friherre Svend (08-13979)
Borgs, Friherre Martin af Röwarhyttan (07-13369)
Bouckaert, Countess Cathy (07-13481)
Bouckaert, Count Ron (07-13481)
Brehmer, Sir James (06-12016)
von Bræin, Greve Kasper (07-13156)
von Celander, Magnus, Duke of Ladonia, Protector of Beauty (07-12306)
Dawes, Lord Edward (07-12501)
Dodd, Lord Michael (08-14000)
Ducommun, Marie-Framboise Goy, Duchesse de la Prise Ducommun (07-12969)
Ducommun, Pierre-Loup-Premier, Duc de la Prise Ducommun (07-12934)
Elsosso-Bergqvist, Wizard Photographer Nils (07-13161)
Engelhardt, Countess Angela (07-13512)
Engsén, Lord Johan (07-13169)
Engström, Lord Björn (06-12252)
Erdin, Lord Mats (08-13579)
Erlingsdatter von Kjernlie, Grevinne Belinda (02-6893)
Finér, Baronessa Kristina (09-14380)
Friman, Lady Katarina (08-13939)
De Grandis, Antonio Maria, Lord of Ladonia (09-14076)
Hansen Lars Von Salmo Trutta de marmoratus Lord of the flyfishing loopers (08-13599)
Baron von Issen (07-13355)
Ingenpass, Friherre Joerg (09-14135)
Ingenpass, Friherrinna Nicole (14136)
Jellbring, Grevinna Pialina (07-13542)
Karlsson, Grevinna Camilla (07-13029)
Kinz-Thompson, Duke Colin (07-12791)
Kjelling, Greve Gunnar (06-12253)
Klingborg, Lady Jenny (99-4437)
Krüger, Lord Different Bo (07-13237)
Kullberg, Baron John (07-12536)
Kullberg, Baron Philip (07-12537)
Kullgård, Lord Johan (07-13105)
Lady LaDonna of Ladonia (08-13639)
Lind, Grevinna Ingela (09-14281)
Lind, Greve Jesper (09-14237)
Lookofsky, Friherrina Vibeke (07-13525)
Lundberg, Lord Jan (07-13165)
Løgstrup, Count Kai (07-12308)
Maalen-Johansen, Lord Lars Semb (08-13688)
Matthiesen, Friherre Jan (09-14520)
Miceli, Count Gero (09-14247)
Montivagus, Friherre Jacc (07-12891)
Moore, Grevinna Linda (07-13153)
Nilsson, Lady Marie (07-13106)
Nilsson, Greve Patrik (07-13028)
Pettersson, Baron Dan (08-13576)
Pettersson-Billing, Baronessa Annika (08-13566)
von Platou, Baron Pepe (07-13069)
Ragozzino, Count Giuseppe (07-12593)
Rajkovic Pizzaking Sacha (07-12946)
Rajkovic King of Montenegro Vuk Rajkovic (06-12155)
Baroness Devyn Ashley Ray of Ladonia (08-14009)
Roxbergh, Friherre Kristoffer (07-12977)
Saber, Princess Ghada (09-13359)
Schneider Larsen, Contessa Dorthe (07-13354)
Schwerdt, Berndt, Friherre av Sandröja (07-12945)
Seehuusen, Baroness Sarah (07-12835)
Selander, Friherre Bo (07-13112)
Shinkwin, Count Charles Arthur Edward Joseph Aloysius (06-11838)
Sjöman, Greve Oskar M Marilyn Of Parisian (06-12256)
Stegsäter, Lord Kary (08-13700)
Von Sundström Baron Kaj af Ladonimis Minister of Public Health & Healthy Pubs
Sutton, Duchess Cathy (08-13573)
Sutton, Duke Ron W. (08-13572)
Törres, Grevinna Siv (07-12786)
Vargenskog, Klas Greve Gyllendrake af Vargenskog (07-13202)
Veranas, Countess Judy (08-13826)
Viberg, Grevinna Ingrid (09-14319)
Wrigley, Dr. D. A. N. Count of Ladonia (08-13877)
His Illustrious Highness The Count Wrigley of Håle
Wu, Peter Duke of Earl (07-13057)

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Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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