The constitution of Ladonia

The cabinet of Ladonia has agreed on a new constitution.


We the people of Ladonia, hereby declare ourselves free and independent citizens of the democratic Royal Republic, The Remony of Ladonia, and hereby lay forth the rules for government and our democratic institutions.

Article I — The State of Ladonia.

Section 1.
The official name shall be The Royal Republic (The Remony) of Ladonia.

Section 2.
The form of government shall be constitutionally a Royal Presidency Unlimited, governed by Decrees from the president, the Queen or the State Secretary on suggestions by Cabinet Ministers and by Laws approved in the Cabinet.

Section 3.
The geographical limits of Ladonia might be changing but Will always be the real life home of Arx, Nimis and Omfalos on the west coast of the Swedish province Scania or the ones stated from time to time by Presidential, Royal or Secretarial decrees.

Section 4.
The capitol of Ladonia shall be Wotan City, Lad (zip excluded here).

Section 5.
The official language is Ladonian, consisting of two words. These words cover all other words in all other languages (for easy translation): “waaaaaaaaaaaaaallll” (which can be spelt in different ways but always with more “a” than “l”, and “ÿp” used when speaking solemnly. This word is mostly used in the cabinet concerning more serious matters and not a word to be used for everyday matters.

Section 6.
Other official languages are also valid in Ladonia: English, Spanish, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, French and Latin

Section 7.
The national flag shall be a green cross on a green background. His name is “The Glorious Green”.

Section 8.
The National Anthem shall be the sound of a rock thrown in the water.

Section 9.
The official currency is the Oertug. The equivalent value of an Oertug is roughly about the same as 1 US Dollar, about 10 Swedish Crowns (SEK) or slightly more than 1 euro. (A.D. 2007).

Section 10.
The institutions of Ladonia are the Queen, the Cabinet, the State Secretary and the President.

Article II — Citizenship

Section 1.
All people, male, female or other, who solemnly swear to be loyal or partly loyal to Art, Freedom of Expression, the State Secretary, the Queen, the President and the Constitution are eligible for citizenship

Section 2.
Citizenship may be acquired by arguing one’s cause before the State Secretary on whom it befalls to issue a citizenship and register the applicant in the National Register of Citizens if he feels like doing so. Bribes and donations are allowed and encouraged albeit not necessary.

Section 3.
Ladonia is a Tax Exempt State for its citizens and relies on taxing foreign visitors hard and Swedes, who are used to it and deserve it, extra hard.

Section 4.
All citizens are entitled to near total idleness, the right to free speech and silence, the right to throw small pebble stones defensively, the right to cybervote, the right to fair and unfair trials to the discretion of the High Court. Citizens are free to say no to arms as an act of loyalty to the Ladonian cause. They have also the right of be equal in front of the Law, the right to the life, the right of free thinking and free religion, the right to the honour and the right to participate actively as citizen always in accordance with the Constitutions and the Laws.

Section 5.
All visitors or temporary residents; Swedes in particular, shall shut up whenever a citizen speaks or they may be expelled from the country on the whim of its government bodies or as a way of avoiding being lynched.

Subsection I
About the order in Ladonia: A Swede always has to give place for a Ladonian.

Article III — The Trojka Rule

Section 1.
(a) The Queen, the State Secretary and the President have the legislative power by approval of Royal Decrees, Secretarial Decrees and Presidential Decrees with a simple majority in the Cabinet. (b) Any differences between decrees shall be resolved by rock throwing contests or fist fighting (if the Queen approves). (c) The Presidential Office is held by individuals elected by the people. (d) Each Citizen shall receive one vote, which may be cast in any way desired. If a Citizen fails to vote, nobody really cares.

Section 2.
(a) The President is elected by the citizens of Ladonia, each 3 years through general virtual voting procedures. (b) The candidate receiving most votes will become the President, the one in the second place will become the Vice President. (c) The elections shall be supervised by the State Secretary and made official by him. (d) The Queen, once elected, will remain at her own wish. (e) The throne will be succeeded to her eldest daughter, the crown princess.

Section 3.
(a) The Secretary of State will be charged with entering into the record the election results. (b) The Secretary shall make this record public.

Section 4.
(a) All citizens have the right to apply as minister and may start a ministry of anything as long as it doesn’t interfere with existing ministries. (b) The new minister will have to apply to the State Secretary who will inform the cabinet which then will decide and rule about the new would-be ministry. (c) The new minister/ministry must win approval from the Cabinet.

Section 5.
(a) The Cabinet of Ladonia is composed by the State Secretary, the President, the Vice President and the ministers. (b) The Cabinet approves laws by general voting. Laws are proposed by the Ministers, the State Secretary or the President. (c) Laws are approved in the Cabinet by a simple majority except when the law affects to one of the Sections of the Constitution, in this case it is needed the ¾ of the votes of the Cabinet. (d) In the case of approve a law who affects to one of the Sections or Articles of the Constitution, the State Secretary and the President have the right of veto only if they announce they are using this right. This right is given also to the President because like this, the citizens are represented by the persons they have elected directly and as a majority in the Cabinet. (e) If the cabinet ministers are discontent with the president they can propose a voting of confidence in the cabinet. If 2/3 of the votes (minimum votes 6) the president must resign.

Section 6.
(a) A minister in the cabinet may change its name, business, operation and activity of his/her accepted ministry after usual and customary judgement by the cabinet (half of the votes of the Cabinet).

Section 7.
(a) The laws approved in the Cabinet are valid when they are published in the New Herald and ratified by the State Secretary or the President.

Section 8.
(a) All the laws and Decrees ratified should be legal in the terms of the Constitution.

Section 9.
(a) The President has all the competence in National Security and foreign affairs (always respecting the Constitution) and doesn´t need Decrees or Laws to use his competence in National Security and foreign affairs, but (b) the Cabinet can also vote on these matters or give an official opinion of the Cabinet without a legal expression.

Section 10.
(a) The Queen, the State Secretary, the President and each member of the Cabinet must swear loyalty to the Constitution in one or other way proposed by the Cabinet.

Article IV — The Secretary of State

Section 1.
(a) The ultimate executive power shall be invested in the State Secretary or any citizen delegated by him. (b) The State Secretary shall also appoint ambassadors, bestow titles of nobility, and fill vacancies in any ministerial position by appointment and judgement of the cabinet.

Section 2.
(a) The laws and decrees will be published in the New Herald for be accessible to the citizens.

Section 3.
(a) A President may be forced to let the Presidency after the votes in favour of the ¾ of the members of the Cabinet and a formal explanation of the causes of his expulsion. In this case, Presidential elections need to be summoned by the State Secretary. (b) A Queen may be forced from the throne after the votes in favour of the ¾ of the members of the Cabinet. In this case, the Cabinet of Ladonia will choose a new Queen.

Section 4.
(a) The State Secretary, President and Queen must be citizens of Ladonia.

Section 5.
(a) In the cabinet, all ministers as well as Queen and President and also the State Secretary have one vote each. (b) Nobody is forced to vote but it’s nice if they do.

Section 6.
(a) Three Wise Persons (men or women) can be appointed to represent the wisdom of Ladonia, and act as a source of “elders” and/or inspiration. (b) They will be appointed by the Cabinet, but only if the Cabinet is capable of finding people worthy enough.

Section 7
(a) Eternal Ministers can be voted with the 50% of the votes of the Cabinet and can only loose the term of “Eternal” when the Queen, the State Secretary and the President agree on that.

Article V — The Remony

Section 1.
Her Majesty Ywonne Jarl I, elected by the people of Ladonia is the Queen of Ladonia.

Section 2.
The Queen will remain at her own wish.

Section 3.
(a) The throne will be succeeded to her oldest daughter, the Princess. If there is no Princess for the succession, the children of the Queen will take the title of Seneschal of Ladonia. (b) The daughter of the Seneschal of Ladonia will be automatically crowned as Queen of Ladonia when she will be consider mature by his father and this maturity will be approved by the Cabinet but only the approval of the Cabinet is needed. During the period of immaturity of the future Queen, the Seneschal of Ladonia will continue with his role.

Section 4.
(a) If there are no more eligible heirs, either female or male, the people of Ladonia will elect a new Queen in a general election. (b) All Ladonia females are eligible.

Section 5.
(a) In addition of the Article IV Section 3; the Queen can be obligated to resign the throne for her and for her descendants with the ¾ of votes of the Cabinet.

Article VI — The Supreme Court

Section 1.
(a) The Supreme Court will consist of the unknown bartender in Chez Le Screemin’ Bass. (b) When the bartender finds it necessary he or she will raise a yellow card and shout a double ÿP. The act will mean that a probable transgression of Ladonian law is suspected. (c) If this is taken place it will be confirmed by anyone in the cabinet. (d) The cabinet can give their votes for or against acceptance. (e) Punishment will be discussed in each case. (f) However there will never be introduced written laws by the Supreme Court.

Article VII — Amendments

The Constitution can be amended by the Cabinet in accordance with what the Article III Section 5 establishes, always respecting the Laws.

Article VIII — Ratification

The constitution is ratified when it is presented in the cabinet and no vote is given against it. It will be possible for the members of the Cabinet to consider ratification of the constitution for ten days.

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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