New Ambassador in Ladonia, Texas
Ladonia established already in 1996 contact with Ladonia, Texas. Now we have an ambassador there, Dr Sachse. He tells us about Ladonia in Texas:
“Here is an interesting fact, in the failed revolution against Spain in 1818, the 1st of 3 Texas revolutions, Texas was going to be called the Republic of Ladonia. Spanish troops caught them in east Texas and slaughtered most of them.
There are several stories about how this town got its name but I think the truth is that david Crockett, the US congressman from Tennessee, came through here in 1835 to die in the Alamo. He called the area Ladonia, not naming a town just refering to the area.
The story everyone believes is the town was names after a pretty girl named La Donna. I dont believe this. Someone was familiar with the mythology of Hercules labors but didnt want the good christians to know where the name came from otherwise it would have stigmatized the town.
at any rate this place is a strange little town, almost haunted but i fell in love with it. There is no other place like it in the world.”
There will be more interesting information about the embassy in Ladonia Embassy in Ladonia, Texas.
I am Amanda Sachse the oldest daughter of EJ. I have been looking for him. Amanda