Politics & Government

The new vice president’s (Norse Stone) speech

Vice Presidential Victory Speech from “The Norse Mystery Stone”:

I have fought the long fight to unite the old world and the new with one new voice and long gained leadership skills! I have seen the rise of the viking explorers to the new world. Before this the rise and fall of oceans, rivers, lakes streams and glaciers too. Yes, almost from the very start all this creation when the land masses where one so very long ago!

Thank you very much for the high level of votes cast for my campaign. However, I do congratulate “The President’s Shoes” for a clear victory this time around and look forward too his leadership to be given these next 4 years .

I’ll bet they can hear all this cheering down all around this planet for our newly elected president!

And I hope the new world and the old is paying close attention, because today the voice of the Ladonian people has spoken one more via vote!

From the Rocky Hartmanburg to Wotan City, from the border stations of the Double Fox to Nimis & Arx, the voters of this nation have defied the odds and the experts to bring another

new leader to victory on our shores. I shall say in closing I will follow our new president and be an example for both government and the people of this grand nation of ours.


EMoFS (through Ministry of Future Science)

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