Citizens and Guests

Number of citizens in Ladonia

Ladonia has now 15.400 citizens, most of them are Swedish, around 5.600. The other citizens are coming from many different countries. Here is the top 50.

1. USA 1248
2. Hungary 762
3. Denmark 573
4. England 569
5. Spain 454
6. Germany 406
7. Brazil 392
8. Mexico 386
9. Russia 372
10. Portugal 348
11. Norway 348
12. Pakistan 276
13. Canada 263
14. France 261
15. Italy 238
16. S Korea 196
17. India 191
18. Belgium 171
19. Turkey 169
20. Poland 155
21. China 153
22. Holland 147
23. Argentina 136
24. Bulgaria 106
25. Australia 104
26. Rumania 103
27. Finland 99
28. Israel 94
29. Colombia 84
30. Nigeria 84
31. Greece 83
32. Peru 82
33. Ukraine 76
34. Former Yugoslavia 61
35. Austria 59
36. Ireland 56
37. Croatia 49
38. Switzerland 48
39. South Africa 47
40. Latvia 46
41. Iran 39
42. New Zeeland 29
43. Japan 27
44. Venezuela 27
45. Bangladesh 25
46. Slovakia 24
47. Scotland 23
48. Vietnam 22
49. Belorussia 21
50. Algeria 21

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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One Comment

  1. Hello Lars,

    My name is Grant and I am an Australian journalist looking to mention Ladonia in an article I am writing.

    I would like to ask you a few questions if possible. If you are interested please email me.

    Thank you very much,


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