Citizens and Guests

Update citizens of Ladonia

The 24th of June the number of Ladonia citizens was 16.324. Around 5.750 are living in Sweden. This list is showing the following top 100 of countries with Ladonia citizens:

1. USA 1352
2. Hungary 766
3. Denmark 602
4. England 595
5. Russia 520
6. Germany 494
7. Spain 460
8. Brazil 405
9. Mexico 393
10. Norway 375
11. Portugal 349
12. Italy 296
13. Canada 279
14. France 277
15. Pakistan 276
16. S Korea 200
17. India 194
18. Turkey 177
19. Belgium 174
20. China 171
21. Poland 162
22. Holland 151
23. Argentina 139
24. Australia 117
25. Bulgaria 115
26. Ukraine 111
27. Finland 108
28. Rumania 107
29. Israel 96
30. Greece 85
31. Colombia 85
32. Nigeria 84
33. Peru 83
34. Austria 69
35. Serbia 62
36. Ireland 60
37. Switzerland 57
38. Croatia 49
39 Latvia 48
40. South Africa 48
41. Iran 39
42. New Zeeland 36
43. Japan 36
44. Belorussia 32
45. Venezuela 31
46. Philippines 28
47. Slovakia 25
48. Bangladesh 25
49. Scotland 24
50. Vietnam 24
51. Lithuania 22
52. Slovenia 21
53. Algeria 21
54. Wales 19
55. Hong Kong 17
56. Chile 17
57. Uganda 16
58. Malaysia 15
59. Estonia 15
60. Thailand 15
61. Indonesia 14
62. Czech Rep. 14
63. Uruguay 14
64. Macedonia 13
65. Cyprus 12
66. Egypt 12
67. Bosnia 12
68. Morocco 11
69. Libanon 10
70. Cuba 9
71. Libya 9
72. Azerbaijan 8
73. Paraguay 8
74. Sri Lanka 8
75. Jordan 8
76. Togo 8
77. Iceland 8
78. Singapore 7
79 Costa Rica 7
80. Catalonia 7
81. Dominican Rep. 7
82. Uzbekistan 7
83. Taiwan 6
84. Georgia 6
85. Ghana 6
86. Ecuador 6
87. Afghanistan 5
88. Nepal 5
89. Panama 5
90. Palestine 5
91. Bolivia 4
92. Honduras 4
93. Tunisia 4
94. Kazachstan 4
95. Armenia 4
96. Moldavia 4
97. Kirgizistan 3
98. El Salvador 3
99. Kurdistan 3
100. Yemen 3

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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