Ladonia Reports
After the Winter Celebrations
The Winter’s Greates Depth is celebrated in Ladonia from 28th of January until 2nd of February. Today the Holidays are over but it is still winter. Between 10 and 20 visitors made there slippery way to Ladonia.
I am very happy that Ladona heeds this particular winter holiday created by myself long before the times of the first major fire of Nimis. I realized the existence of 6his praticular holyday walking the crusty snow covered fieldes under a starry wault and along shadows cast from naked beechtrees off the old manour Kappreperup 29 january 1981. And now – on the morning preceeding last full moon before the wither holyday this year my Great Symphony in B-major was completed: a winter-allegro from 2011/2012; a springtime walk andante; an autumn intermezzo; and a co0ncluding winter vivace 2012/2013, total time 54′. First ever performance scheduled with the Ladonia Symphony before Easter. Only for music lovers.