AdministrationState Affairs

Ladonia Ambassador in Chile

Patricio Vicente De La Plaza has been appointed ambassador in northern Chile. The ambassador tells us:

“At present I have my own private business as mining, marine, construction, agricultural and government supplier since 1966, established at the city of ARICA close to the border of Peru and Bolivia.”

3amb chile
Ambassador Vicente De La Plaza


The ambassador’s card



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Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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  1. Busco a D. Patrio Vicente sin éxito, soy el presidente del movimiento Nuevos Tercios, organización con la que intentó comunicarse; le respondimos sin saber más de él, si les es posible comunicarse con él, les ruego le avisen de nuestra intención. Reciban un cordial saludo.

  2. Most glad and honored to represent Ladonia as Ambassador to Chile.
    I will do my best to try that my new country be well knowed around South
    America. Ladonias citizen have since present moment a loyal friend and
    our offices are full open to any consult they need.

    To Lars my gratitude to trust me All the best

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