
New Citizens: Ladonia’s Population Nears 18k

Citizens of Ladonia (we are soon 18.000) is living in many different countries. Here is an overview:

Most of our citizens are from Sweden, around 5 600.

While Sweden has the most Ladonians in any single area, more than 12,000 Ladonians live in ~100 countries around the world. Here are the top 100 countries (after Sweden) where Ladonian citizens live:

1. USA 1706

2. Hungary 768

3. Russia 712

4. England 661

5. Denmark 655

6. Germany 587

7. Spain 477

8. Brazil 427

9. Mexico 411

10. Norway 388

11. Portugal 352

12. Italy 337

13. Canada 310

14. France 306

15. China 293

16. Pakistan 278

17. S Korea 206

18. India 204

19. Turkey 195

20. Belgium 189

21. Poland 180

22. Holland 172

23. Australia 150

24. Argentina 142

25. Ukraine 138

26. Finland 117

27. Bulgaria 117

28. Rumania 108

29. Israel 100

30. Colombia 88

31. Greece 88

32. Peru 87

33. Nigeria 85

34. Austria 84

35. Switzerland 73

36. Ireland 64

37. Serbia 63

38. Latvia 55

39. Japan 55

40. South Africa 51

41. Croatia 50

42. Belorussia 47

43. New Zeeland 43

44. Iran 39

45. Philippines 39

46. Venezuela 33

47 Czech Rep. 28

48. Bangladesh 27

49. Chile 25

50. Slovakia 25

51. Scotland 24

52. Vietnam 24

53. Hong Kong 24

54. Malaysia 23

55. Lithuania 22

56. Algeria 22

57. Slovenia 21

58 Indonesia 19

59. Wales 19

60. Estonia 18

61. Egypt 17

62. Thailand 17

63. Uganda 16

64. Taiwan 15

65. Uruguay 14

66. Macedonia 13

67. Libya 12

68. Cyprus 12

69. Bosnia 12

70. Lebanon 12

71. Morocco 11

72. Costa Rica 11

73. Iceland 10

74. Moldavia 9

75. Singapore 9

76. Cuba 9

77. Dominican Rep. 9

78. Kazakhstan 9

79. Sri Lanka 8

80. Palestine 8

81. Azerbaijan 8

82. Paraguay 8

83. Jordan 8

84. Togo 8

85. Uzbekistan 8

86. Catalonia 7

87. Afghanistan 7

88. Tunisia 7

89. Georgia 7

90. Ghana 7

91. Ecuador 7

92. Kyrgyzstan 6

93. Panama 6

94. Saudi Arabia 5

95. Nepal 5

96. Armenia 5

97. El Salvador 5

98. Bolivia 4

99. Honduras 4

100. Kenya 3

101. Montenegro 3

102. Guatemala 3

103. Kurdistan 3

104. Yemen 3

105 Luxembourg 3

106. Nicaragua 2

107. Malta 2

108. Benin 2

109. Ethiopia 2

110 Tanzania 2

111. Liberia 2

112. Irak 2

113. Kosovo 2

114. Puerto Rico 2

115. Syria 2

116. Buryatia 1

117. Mauritius 1

118. Jamaica 1

119. Zimbabwe 1

120 Tajikistan 1

121. Ivory Coast 1

122. Liechtenstein 1

123- Jordan 1

124. Somalia 1

125 Qatar 1

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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