Art News

  • Hedgehogger No. 4

    The Hedgehogger is the unofficial magazine for the Moss Biennale Momentum 2006. Editorial Staff: Martin Schibli and Lars Vilks Momentum…

  • The Hedgehogger no 3

    The Hedgehogger No 3, May 2006 The Hedgehogger is an unofficial magazine for the upcoming Biennale in Moss. Edited by…


    The Biennial in Moss, “Momentum” will begin in September this year. The Hedgehogger is an art project that is introducing…

  • The Hedgehogger

    This is the first issue of the art magazine The Hedgehogger. The Hedgehogger – When he fears he is safe…

  • Queen Ywonne pens poem for all Ladonians

    WOTAN CITY, Ladonia — Her Royal Majesty, Queen Ywonne I Jarl, speaks this poem to all Ladonians: Encouragement of the…

  • Munch’s The Scream

    One of the most famous paintings in the world is the one Munch painted in 1893. There are several versions,…

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