Society & Culture
Short lecture in the cabinet
Minister of powdered donuts and bricks E. J (living in Ladonia, Texas) gave a lecture about the word “Texas” in…
Onions – no cry
Admiral and minister Pedro has a complaint: “I have a Complaint!! An Official Complaint! Onions don’t make me cry anymore!…
Newly elevated nobleman shares coat of arms
Fuerst Dennis von Mittelladonia (living in Russia) is a new nobleman in Ladonia. You can see his coat of arms…
About the Ladonia Parliament – and music
Ladonia has had a independant Parliament. Our most beloved Queen Carolyn I has examined the situation and asked some questions…
Ladonia Nobility Update
Adams, Baroness Melanie (09-14616) von Ahonen, Friherre Mikko (08-13586) Akin, Paul Vernon, Count of Ladonia (07-12770) Alit, Hertiginna Sávoi (07-13318)…
Citizens and countries
Ladonia has now 15.567 citizens. Around 5.600 are living in Sweden. Here follows the top 50 countries of Ladonia citizens.…