Also In The News...
December 25: The 2nd Half Day of Misunderstanding
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — As midnight ushers in December 25th, Ladonians transition to the Second Half Day of Misunderstanding, a…
December 24: The 1st 1/2 Day of Misunderstanding
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — As the clock strikes noon on December 24th, Ladonians around the globe embark on the First…
Art News
Lars Vilks: A Champion of Artistic Freedom
I create art because I believe in it—not to please others or win approval.– Vilks, 2011 Lars Vilks, the Swedish…
Court Circular
Duke Yvan Bertjens to be Temporary Lord Great Chamberlain of Ladonia
OAKWOOD HOUSE — On the 20th of December 2024, The Queen has been graciously pleased to make the following temporary…