December 27: The Day of Throwing Things at Each Other (Usually Beer Cans)
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — As December 27th dawns in Ladonia, citizens prepare for one of the nation’s most exuberant and…
December 26: Stealing Day
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — Every December 26th, Ladonians trade their usual decorum for a day of sanctioned mischief: Stealing Day.…
Court Circular
Her Majesty’s Address: Celebrating Ladonia’s First Half Day of Misunderstanding
LADONIA (Digital Broadcast) — Her Majesty Queen Carolyn delivered an address to Ladonia and its citizens worldwide in celebration of…
December 25: The 2nd Half Day of Misunderstanding
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — As midnight ushers in December 25th, Ladonians transition to the Second Half Day of Misunderstanding, a…
December 24: The 1st 1/2 Day of Misunderstanding
WOTAN CITY, Lad. — As the clock strikes noon on December 24th, Ladonians around the globe embark on the First…
30 November marks St. Anders of the Holy Computer Day in Ladonia
WOTAN CITY, Ladonia — On November 30th, Ladonia comes together to honor St. Anders of the Holy Computer Day, a…