Quebec documentary crew filming in Ladonia
Wotan City, LADONIA — Filmteam from Québec Canada is right now visiting Ladonia for a documentary.
Art News
Nimis as a String Instrument
Minister of Art & Jump, Fredrik Axwik, made Nimis into a gigantic string instrument.
Ladonia Reports
Restored tower
After more than half a year of work the Tower of the Winds is restored and expanded.
Ladonia Reports
Early summer in Ladonia
NIMIS, LAD — Tourists are beginning to come to Ladonia in greater numbers now that the weather is more cooperative.…
Ladonia Reports
February 2014 in Ladonia
NIMIS, LAD — The restoration work is going on and the new Tower is Rising.
The longest jump ever made: Homo Ladonicus
Minister Taru has commented Minister Luis’ jump and research (last entry): “Judging it in Ladonian historical standards, it is a…