Politics & Government
War and an unexpected move
The War against Sweden continues since the Swedes have destroyed our missile. The Ladonians are eager to fight, as can be heard in the words of our Minister of Mythological Beasts, Lisa:
“Hit the Wotan button! Enough decency. Nanonukes are waiting, stored in abandoned gain silos all over my continent of residence. They will hit with lots of noise and light and slightly singed confetti will shower our enemies and clog their storm drains. The Ladaonian River Keepers will need their pitch forks and shovels – and will be paid for “active duty” – but it will be worth it!
–Lisa, MfMBaSI”
Un unexpected move has been made: The occupation of Rockall Island in the Atlantic.
Photo: James Hartman
What is that they are building on top?