Ladonia Reports

How to find Ladonia, Nimis and Arx

Karta LadoniaLIT.JPGFinding Ladonia can be a little tricky.

Drive about 40km northwest from Helsingborg. E20, E6, exit direction Höganäs (roads 112 or 111). Then follow the 111 to Mölle.

On the 111, just before the camping (on the left), you will arrive at a crossroad (200m from the camping site). There, make a right to Arild and drive about 500m. Then, make a left on the Himmelstorpsvägen Road, which goes directly into the forest.

In the forest, you will find places to park your car and some signs to go to Nimis. The signs are a yellow “N” carved into things like fence posts. Follow the signs.

The walk is about 40 minutes long and passes in front of a nice little bar lost in the forest.

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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  1. Are there any published, non-classified satellite photos available?

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