How to make a day

You need guides to fullfil your life. Here is two alternatives on how to spend a day. The first one is Minister Frank’s:

As a new minister of libertine in Ladonia am I very curious about your habit to enjoy your life. Of course I mean diversion, hobbies and spending the day.
When I am not at work my day look as below;

10.00 Wake up
10.30 Making breakfast and read the local newspaper.
11.30 Taking a shower and dress me for the days purpose.
12.00 Take my car and drive to an exclusive food shop.
14.00 Visit relatives and help them with all sorts of things. I love my family
15.00 Buy some food from take-away restaurant with first class
16.00 Lay the table with excellent red wine during watching CNN
17.00 After the good meal I enjoy a good cigar and Napoleon Cognac
18.00 Talk to friends on phone in different part of the world
20.00 Spending the rest of evening with internet

And this is a daily program for Manny Neira
Minister of Undisclosable Purpose (

0700 Wake up, bright and ready to face the day
0702 Fall asleep
0807 Wake up again, and toy with the idea of getting out of bed
0820 Start having sex with the Guildford Womens’ Rugby Club
0837 Wake up and realise I fell asleep again
0930 Read my latest eBook: either Karl Marx or Winnie the Pooh
0947 Ponder what I am learning about Dialectical Materialism
0949 Put down “House at Pooh Corner”
1002 Get up, make coffee, drink coffee
1007 Gain consciousness, open eyes, remember who I am
1010 Bathe listening to Radio 4
1082 Wonder about the guy who sold me my watch
1200 Have a shoot out with Gary Cooper outside the chip shop
139W Flick through shopping catalogue for watches
7e88 Write a list of things I’ve done today, the first item being:
0700 Wake up, bright and…

There is a moral to this story, but I can’t for the moment place it.

A Minister in Ladonia is just about to start his day.

Lars Vilks

Lars Vilks was the artist behind Nimis and Arx, and the Founder and State Secretary of Ladonia. He also served as Editor Emeritus the Ladonia Herald.

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