
Minister of Thermonuclear Eye Protection Appointed

Michael Elfström has been confirmed as the Minister of Thermonuclear Eye Protection by the Ladonian Cabinet.
Michael Elfström has been confirmed as the Minister of Thermonuclear Eye Protection by the Ladonian Cabinet.

WOTAN CITY, Lad. — The cabinet has approved the appointment of Michael Elfström as Minister of Thermonuclear Eye Protection.

The Minister explains his Ministry:

“The eyes are sensitive things. The citizens of Ladonia should have the right to seek help to protect their eyes from thermonuclear radiation. It is the ministry’s task to give advice about how the citizens should do this in the best way possible. The largest source of thermonuclear radiation is the sun.”

An invisible form of radiation, UV rays travel to the human retina at 186,000 miles per second. Eye damage linked to UV radiation includes cataract, photokeratitis and pterygium. UV damage builds up over time, and UV rays generally cannot be felt, so there is no natural warning that damage is occurring. Although cloud cover reduces the level of UV radiation reaching the eyes, clouds do not and cannot block UV radiation completely. This means which that exposure and overexposure can occur even on overcast days.

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