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Minister of Trees repudiates calls to burn Nimis

WOTAN CITY, Ladonia — Jenny Wenhammar, the Minister of Trees, has expressed staunch opposition to recent proposals advocating the burning of Nimis, a pivotal cultural and artistic landmark of Ladonia. These controversial views have surfaced in various publications.

Controversy Surrounding Nimis

Nimis, intricately constructed by the artist Lars Vilks, often requires maintenance that Vilks himself cannot always attend to due to security threats. Recently, a significant uproar was caused by an article in Göteborgs-Posten, written by a member of the Islamist Partiet Nyans, which labeled Nimis as a symbol of Islamophobia and called for its destruction. The full article can be viewed here.

Minister Wenhammar’s Rebuttal

As an artist, a Femen activist, and the person entrusted with the upkeep of Nimis when Lars Vilks cannot be present, Wenhammar offers a deeply personal and historical perspective. “Receiving updates from the Minister of Art about his maintenance work at Nimis, I simultaneously received a link from my police contact (in case of threats) about the Islamist Partiet Nyans whose representative today in Göteborgs-Posten published an article urging the burning down of Nimis (är-en-symbol-för-islamofobi-och-bör-brännas-ner-1.56870841),” Wenhammar shares in her letter.

She contends that such demands to burn Nimis severely undermine the principles of freedom of expression that Nimis represents. Wenhammar, who has worked on maintaining Nimis over many years, emphasizes its significance as more than just a physical structure; it stands as a testament to the resilience of artistic freedom.

A Plea for Preservation

Wenhammar concludes her letter with a call to the Ladonian people and the international community to unite in preserving Nimis. “I call upon everyone to stand with me in safeguarding Nimis. Let us uphold it as an emblem of our unwavering dedication to freedom of expression.”

Please support the preservation of Nimis using #BevaraNimis

Femen photo at Nimis 2016, photographer Ulrika Bernhardsson.

Original, in Swedish

Om bevarande eller brännande av #Nimis.

Uttrycksfrihet eller islamism.

Samtidigt som jag får en länk av konstministern Fredrik Carl Larsson med Sveriges Radio P4-reportage, från hans lappande och lagande av Nimis igår, med tankarna till vännen Lars Vilks (precis i början), så får jag parellelt en länk från min poliskontakt (vid hot) om det islamistiska Partiet Nyans vars företrädare idag i Göteborgs-Posten publicerar en artikel som uppmanar till att bränna ner Nimis:är-en-symbol-för-islamofobi-och-bör-brännas-ner-1.56870841

Som konstnär, som Femen-aktivist, som trädminister i #Ladonien, som vän som varit med konstministern och lappat och lagat på Nimis när Lars inte kunnat göra det pga hotbilden (, och som en av otaliga som älskar Nimis och har bara fina minnen därifrån sedan 1900-talet och alla decennium av mitt liv, så står jag upp för uttrycksfriheten och att

Dela gärna & #BevaraNimis

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  1. The idea to burning Nimis is just a show of why Vilks’s ideas must resist. These kind of people want to burn not just a piece of art, but also the freedom and any idea of independence and divergence of thought. We could also ask them to be burnt but… We’re not the same kind of people. :) We believe in their freedom to say whatever they want, but they should abstain to violate property, destroy artistic projects and so on… Matter of civilized societies.

    1. Where Someone’s WANTS interfere with Another’s NEEDS and/or RIGHTS. . . . I believe most folk intuitively know the answer.

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