Election campaign is going on
It is not too late to run for president. Still anyone who wants to become president of Ladonia can register. Just write a comment or to our administration.
President candidate Daniel Kong is promising:
“I’m offering free sneakers who wants one?
Everyone who votes me will get a pair of cool reptile green sneakers (or only one if you are undecided, you’ll get the other pair after you vote me) a bandanna with the inscription “A vote for kong you can’t go wrong”, a ladonian flag and a free energy drink (green).
Daniel Kong
Presidential candidate 2007
Vote for Kong!”
Daniel Kong is offering a pair of sneakers. Clock can be included.
Mussu is working in his campaign with activism:
“As an anarchist our presidential anti-candidate Mussu is critical towards all state violations of rights, not just towards violations against teddy animal rights. Today Mussu participated in a demonstration condemning extrajudicial killings of political activists in Philippines.”
(Says election secretary and minister Taru)
Anti-candidate Mussu in demonstration
I am also interested in getting a pair of those shoes even though I have reasons to believe they are actually made of modelling clay.
I was wondering how can I get a pair of those sneakers. I live in the US and I cant find them anywhere. Please contact me.