Politics & Government

Election campaign is going on

It is not too late to run for president. Still anyone who wants to become president of Ladonia can register. Just write a comment or to our administration.

President candidate Daniel Kong is promising:

“I’m offering free sneakers who wants one?
Everyone who votes me will get a pair of cool reptile green sneakers (or only one if you are undecided, you’ll get the other pair after you vote me) a bandanna with the inscription “A vote for kong you can’t go wrong”, a ladonian flag and a free energy drink (green).

Daniel Kong
Presidential candidate 2007
Vote for Kong!”

sneakers clockkorr.jpg
Daniel Kong is offering a pair of sneakers. Clock can be included.

Mussu is working in his campaign with activism:

“As an anarchist our presidential anti-candidate Mussu is critical towards all state violations of rights, not just towards violations against teddy animal rights. Today Mussu participated in a demonstration condemning extrajudicial killings of political activists in Philippines.”
(Says election secretary and minister Taru)

Anti-candidate Mussu in demonstration

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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  1. I am also interested in getting a pair of those shoes even though I have reasons to believe they are actually made of modelling clay.

  2. I was wondering how can I get a pair of those sneakers. I live in the US and I cant find them anywhere. Please contact me.

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