
Ladonia Citizens 2007

The number of citizens of Ladonia is in the beginning of 2007 12.375

Our citizens come from more than 100 countries all over the world. Here are top 25.

1. Sweden approx. 5 000
2. USA 801
3. Hungary 744
4. England 478
5. Spain 405
6. Mexico 335
7. Portugal 319
8. Denmark 323
9. Pakistan 276
10. Germany 264
11. Norway 261
12. Russia 259
13. Brazil 212
14. France 211
15. Canada 178
16. India 171
17. Belgium 159
18. Italy 152
19. S Korea 151
20. Poland 137
21. Turkey 136
22. Holland 120
23. Argentina 112
24. Bulgaria 93
25. Rumania 88

Staff Reports

Ladonia Herald staff writers are citizens of the Royal Republic of Ladonia who donate their time and expertise to help write and edit the news and contribute photos. All writers and editors are vetted by our editorial committee.

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One Comment

  1. I is [:)] proud to be hungarian. Perhaps, the hungarian colony going to be independent :D

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