Government changes; PM Ad Interim appointed
The loss of State Secretary Vilks has prompted changes to the division of administrative responsibilities which allow the government to function. In a statement to the Cabinet of Ministers, the Queen outlined the structure of the interim government that will operate apart from the Cabinet and will oversee the tasks traditionally performed by the State Secretary. The role of State Secretary was created, and existed solely, for Lars Vilks and there will be no replacement named.
The Cabinet was notified that the Queen has received the resignation of Prime Minister Frans Brood, and therefore a new PM will need to be selected.
“This is a time of great change for Ladonia, and We appreciate that Prime Minister Brood feels he will be better able to serve Ladonia in his capacity as Minister of Improvisational Theatre and Free Entry. We sincerely thank the Minister for his excellent service,” said the Queen.
To fill the vacancy for the remainder of this term, The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent dated 24 October 2021 to appoint the Right Honourable Baron Matthew Salzer, Deputy Prime Minister of Ladonia and Minister of Freedom of Religion, Irreligion and Grappling, to be Prime Minister ad interim of the Royal Republic of Ladonia with a term to expire on 1 January in the year 2022.
Additionally, the statement sent to the Cabinet of Ministers clarified that the executive duties held by the Queen (i.e. the business of running the State) will be overseen/performed by “The Queen’s Government” which shall consist of The Queen, the Prime Minister, and five state-level ministers: Home Affairs, Digital Defense, Finance, Foreign Affairs, and Arts and Culture.
The new operating government has already resumed daily operations, including clearing the backlog of citizenship applications and working with Swedish authorities on maintenance procedures and protection for Nimis and Arx.
The structure of “The Queen’s Government”
- The Queen
- The Prime Minister Ad Interim, Matthew Salzer
- Minister of Art and Jump, Fredrik Larsson
- Minister of Digital Defense, Luna Hopalot
- Minister of Finance, Mari Rohrer
- Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yvan Bertjens
- Minister of Home Affairs, Erik White
Muito importante essas mudanças, a nossa realidade mundial, estão vivendo dias tenebrosos, mas Ladonia não pode parar.
Bn día ,me gustaría pertenecer al gabinete ministerial de la República Ladonia
Guten Tag nach Ladonien und ein Hoch auf die neue Regierung!
Gerne würde ich Staatsbürger mit Adelstitel von Ladonien werden.
Bitte informieren Sie mich über das weitere Procedere und die anfallenden Kosten.
In freudiger Erwartung einer positiven Antwort
wünsche ich ein sonniges Wochenende und grüße alle Ladonier
Peter Reiners